Feast2 min read

Desa Dialogues EP 004: Renatta Moeloek ー Experiencing Sundanese Lalapan and diving into Indonesia’s celebration of food


In this episode of Desa Dialogues, we meet Renatta Moeloek, a renowned Indonesian chef and a Masterchef judge. A well-travelled chef, she has worked in both Asian and European kitchens, feeding her fascination with food and the stories behind each recipe. Aside from crafting tasty dishes, she hosts Kisarasa – an online series uncovering food and the people, traditions, and culture behind it.

“We make parties out of food. Everybody sits at the same long table and we have a feast, all these different flavours and all these different cultures put into one for us to enjoy… I always see food as something that brings people together.

As one of the guest practitioners at our recent Merasa event, Renata introduced us to Sundanese lalapan, sharing its rich history and flavours via a tasting immersion held at Dome.

“Most people see lalapan just as a platter of raw vegetables, that people eat as a side dish. Historically, it is a ritual. It is almost religious.”

Being a chef, food was never something that Renatta took for granted. She has always been fascinated by food and the complex history behind it.

“I learned it from my mum. You can be a little bit more mindful of what you eat if you know what's behind this food instead of, you know, just mindlessly eating [it].”

This culinary curiosity inspired her to produce Kisarasa, where she explores gastronomic traditions with her fellow chef and co-presenter, Juna. In the series, they travel across Indonesia, discovering food and the people and the culture from which the food comes.

Watch the full video to hear Renatta Moeloek’s storytelling about food, culture, and celebrations of flavours, as her insight reminds us how food connects us throughout our lives.

Published on 01/11/2024 by Potato Head
