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Journals•1 min read
Right now, the economic impacts of Covid-19 are leaving a massive dent in the tourism industry. And things aren’t improving in a hurry. So, we’ve turned two plots of hotel and restaurant land in west Bali into farms. The project also offers allotment gardens to our family members to grow their own food on top of that we are providing equipment , seedling and knowledge to turn existing land into agriculture land all around Bali. No land is wasted. We are also distributing ready cooked meals (nasi bungkus) weekly to our family members across Bali, using as much of the produce we receive from the Sweet Potato farm.
The idea is to reconnect the community with agriculture and provide families with access to free food that’s locally-grown, more nutritious and better for the planet.
Published on 23/11/2020 by Potato Head